Straight Outta Fangton Review by: James Jakins

Straight Outta Fangton by: C.T Phipps
Review by: James Jakins

This is the first C.T. Phipps book I’ve read, and it’s certainly not going to be the last.

Straight Outta Fangton is promised to be a “Vampire Comedy,” and it is that, but it’s also an incredibly well crafted Urban Fantasy with a superb protagonist and a wonderful supporting cast.

From the opening scene we’re given the promised vampire comedy as well as a plot that is constantly moving forward. There is no wasted word in this book. Every line of dialogue, or action segment, or random thought our protagonist has adds to the whole. Plus, it has a ton of pop-culture references, and if you know me, you know I love that.

For those that care: I listened to the Audible version. Cary Hite does an amazing job with all the characters, especially Peter Stone, our vampiric hero.

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