The Call of the Lorica Fantasy Series with Anne C. Miles on the Books and Authors Podcast

This is the Books and Authors Fantasy Podcast Episode 160 with Anne C. Miles.

Good day and welcome to this episode of the Books and Authors Fantasy and Sci-Fi Podcast. I’m your host, podcaster and author of Fun Fantasy Reads, Jamie Davis. This podcast is exactly what the title says it is, a show focused on everything in fantasy books.

This show will cover everything to do with fantasy books. From Epic Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Sword and Sorcery, and everything in between, expect to find the best and brightest authors from all the various corners of the fantasy book world. Plus we’ll add in a few other very special guests as well along the way.

To start off this week’s show, I’ll fill you all in on what I’ve been up to. I’m digging into a short story project I’m writing for an upcoming fantasy anthology. I should be able to finish that up this week. Then I’ll jump back into The Paramedic’s Sorceress, book 9 in my Extreme Medical Services series and get it ready to send to my editor.

You can catch up with more information on what I’m up to, including some early looks at excerpts from the new book over in my Fun Fantasy Readers Facebook group. I post sneak peeks of upcoming covers, special giveaways, and more, by visiting my fan group on Facebook, Jamie’s Fun Fantasy Readers and over at my website and blog, I look forward to hearing from you.

This week on the show we have author Anne C. Miles, an award-winning author. Born in Chicago Heights, Illinois in 1971, she successfully avoided writing fiction for years by blogging and extensive journaling.

However, one day, she logged into a writing site and scribbled. She kept going, and now cannot stop. Her book, Sorrowfish, was named Best Fantasy of 2019 by Indies Today.

When Anne isn’t working or writing, she plays violin badly and spoils her grandchildren. She is hard at work on the next book of her series, The Call of the Lorica. Check out my interview with Anne coming right up.

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