Category Archives: Essays and Commentary by L.E. Modesitt Jr.

The Trouble With “Action”, by L.E. Modesitt Jr.

The Trouble With “Action” I’ve often been criticized for the “slow” pace of my books, especially by the “action junkies” who expect a fight, revelation, or surprise in every chapter, or at the least every other chapter. Now, I’d be … Continue reading

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The Dragon Illusion by L.E. Modesitt JR.

The Dragon Illusion Recently, I think I’ve seen a resurgence or perhaps a continuation of “dragon books.” I couch it that way because I’m not keeping a tally on how many dragon books are being written and sold. Certainly, dragons … Continue reading

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Demotic or Not?

Demotic or Not? By: L.E. Modesitt Jr. Originally, and still to linguists and historians, the word “demotic” referred to the day-to-day, or common, script used by ancient Egyptians for business transactions, records, and, most likely, what might have passed for … Continue reading

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How Detailed Is Enough?

How Detailed Is Enough? By: L.E. Modesitt Jr. Many, many years ago, I wrote occasional reviews for a semi-noted SF&SF magazine… until I got into an argument with one of the editors about some details in a book.  Two of … Continue reading

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On the Creation and Completion of The Imager Portfolio

On the Creation and Completion of The Imager Portfolio By L.E. Modesitt Jr. The novels of The Imager Portfolio take place across roughly 800 years in the world of Terahnar, a world in which a minuscule percentage of the population … Continue reading

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Behind the Saga of Recluce

Behind the Saga of Recluce by L.E. Modesitt Jr. When I initially decided to write The Magic of Recluce in the late 1980s, I’d been writing science fiction exclusively.  There was scarcely a single word of fantasy in any of … Continue reading

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“Baroque” Writing

“Baroque” Writing by L.E. Modesitt Jr. The other day I was reading a fantasy novel that had been recommended to me by someone whose judgment I trust.  I had to force myself to finish it.  It wasn’t that the technical … Continue reading

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Excellence in “Borrowed” or “Original” Novels?

Excellence in “Borrowed” or “Original” Novels? by L.E. Modesitt Jr. No author writes anything, even the most “original” fantasy or far-future ultra-high novel, without borrowing from somewhere.  To begin with, language, the very medium in which novels are written, contains … Continue reading

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Patreon? by L.E. Modesitt Jr. Lately, I’ve run across more and more writers, singers, and other artists who have set up sites on Patreon to solicit financial support for their writing.  There are even some non-profit publications and foundations asking … Continue reading

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Shorter Isn’t Always Better

Shorter Isn’t Always Better by L.E. Modesitt Jr. The other day I was going over some editorial corrections/suggestions sent by my editor, who was concerned that I was using too many long sentences with too many subordinate clauses.  As I’ve … Continue reading

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